Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pope Francis Calls for Service to 'Poorest, Weakest'

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis urged princes, presidents, sheiks and thousands of ordinary people gathered for his installation Mass on Tuesday to protect the environment, the weakest and the poorest, mapping out a

He's the first pope from the Americas. He's the first Pope Francis. He's the first pope to be a Jesuit, an order suppressed by Pope Cement XIV and an order held in suspicion by many other popes. He's also a rarity as the first pope in centuries who

money on a specific religious group which goes against the church and states clauses? Pope Francis' Inauguration. Pope Francis urged princes, presidents, sheiks and thousands of ordinary people to protect the environment, the weakest and the poorest.

New pope is Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the former archbishop of Buenos Aires, who takes the name Pope Francis. Francis, 76, is the first non-European pope in the modern era, the first South American pope

He's the first pope from the Americas. He's the first Pope Francis. He's the first pope to be a Jesuit, an order suppressed by Pope Cement XIV and an order held in suspicion by many other popes. He's also a rarity as the first pope in centuries who

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Pope Francis Calls for Service to 'Poorest, Weakest'

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