Sunday, March 10, 2013

What is International Women's Day?

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What is International Women's Day?

It's International Women's Day, so celebrities like Salma Hayek and Miranda Kerr are celebrating while the Obama administration makes historic moves just in time for the occasion. Get in the female empowerment spirit, plus

On International Women's Day we celebrate the many milestones on the road to gender equality, and recommit ourselves to fight for the rights and opportunities of women and girls around the world. Empowering women isn't just the right thing to do – it's

Vibrant, fuzzy peace symbols were part of the 23rd annual International Women's Day March & Rally in San Antonio Saturday, March 9, 2013. The purpose of the march is to raise awareness about domestic violence, pay-equity, and the struggles of

National Women's Day, the precursor to International Women's Day, was first observed in America in 1909 during a time of tremendous industrial and political growth, fueled by innovation, rapid expansion, and a growing global economy. Since then, in

National Women's Day, the precursor to International Women's Day, was first observed in America in 1909 during a time of tremendous industrial and political growth, fueled by innovation, rapid expansion, and a growing global economy. Since then, in

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