Wednesday, April 24, 2013

AAPL: sweeter dividend, sour outlook

Shares of Apple (AAPL) are down $3.30, or 0.9%, at $402.83, as analysts cut price targets and estimates following last night's fiscal Q2 report, which saw the company beat estimates, but offer a weak forecast for this quarter, and boost its capital

Apple (AAPL) shares are up $5.59, or 1.4%, at $396.16, amidst a mixed stream of research, with Avondale Partners and BGC FInancial raising the stock to Buy or the equivalent, but Citigroup and BMO Capital again cutting

Apple is opening the doors to its bank vault, saying it will distribute $100 billion in cash to its shareholders by the end of 2015. At the same time, the company said revenue for the current quarter could fall from the year before, which would be the

Update: AAPL blew away expectations. At 4.30pm Eastern, Apple will report its Q2 results (and we'll be covering it live). It's the day when the last three months of analyst predictions and forecasts come home to roost.

Apple is out with Q2 results which are hardly inspiring. Revenue and sales beat, but margins missed and guidance is weak: The good news: Q2 Revenue: $43.6 billion, Exp. $42.3 billion Q2 EPS: $10.09, Exp $9.98 And the

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AAPL: sweeter dividend, sour outlook

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