Saturday, April 13, 2013

American Idol contestant Candice Glover gets a boost from her father's company

EW's "American Idol" recapper Annie Barrett said it was the only minor tragedy in Glover's performance. "[T]hat wretched audio f—up near the beginning of the song that sounded like one of the red light-rosettes at Candice's feet had turned into a

Candice had one of the best performances ever on the April 10 episode of 'American Idol' — Mariah literally showered her in glitter. Has a new winner been revealed? Read the full recap below.

Meanwhile, the show's second half, including songs the contestants wish they had written, featured arguably the season's best, and perhaps one of the top performances of the previous few years, with Candice Glover going

The top six take on songs they wished they had written and the songs of Burt Bacharach and Hal David.

American Idol recap: On Wednesday night, Candice Glover overcame the constrains of theme night and delivered the best performance from an American Idol contestant in years with The Cure's, 'Love Song.' By Jodi Bradbury, Contributor / April 11, 2013

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American Idol contestant Candice Glover gets a boost from her father's company

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