Monday, April 29, 2013

Analysis: Tax strategy may be key to Verizon Wireless deal

Verizon Communications is preparing a $100 billion cash and stock bid to take full control of Verizon Wireless from Vodafone Group, reports Reuters. Verizon&#..

Verizon, the No. 2 U.S. telecommunications company, may have found a way to structure a purchase of the stake so that Vodafone can avoid a multi-billion dollar U.S. capital gains tax bill, sources familiar with Verizon's plans said. The possibility of

The never-ending game between Verizon Communications and Vodafone continues. Following news this week of Verizon's $100 billion bid for Verizon Wireless, the two company's joint venture, six major investors have reportedly rejected the terms and said

With the New Year having arrived, it's difficult not to reflect back on last year's caseload. While the large-scale data breaches make the headlines and are widely discussed among security professionals, often the small and

Vodafone's investors are pushing back at Verizon Communications' $100B bid for Verizon Wireless. They are asking for at least $120B or acquire the company.

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Analysis: Tax strategy may be key to Verizon Wireless deal

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