Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CISPA in limbo thanks to Senate apathy

Anonymous is leading a Web blackout that will reportedly include 200 sites suspending operations in protest of CISPA, which recently passed the US House.

Republicans Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger have once again put CISPA forward as they say that it is vital that companies have the ability to stop threats materialising in light of an increase in the number of foreign cyber attacks from countries

Anonymous called for an Internet blackout protest of CISPA– an act that allows websites to give your info to the government without you knowing. The group's rallying cries failed to materialize into any noticeable action. Big brother or why bother

CISPA's critics also argue that the law would create a mechanism for private businesses to share intelligence with government, including private data, without judicial oversight. Privacy activists are concerned that the risks of this massive trawling

Despite an $84 million lobbying effort, CISPA, the controversial bill aimed at making it easier for corporations to share customers' personal information with the government, faces an uncertain future after approval in the US House of Representatives

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CISPA in limbo thanks to Senate apathy

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