Thursday, April 18, 2013

Google Fiber to launch in Provo, Utah

Following its April announcement that Google Fiber will land in Austin, Texas, Provo officials revealed today that its super-fast Gigabit internet service will arrive next in Provo, Utah by late 2013. The Utah city will become the third to receive

The city of Provo, Utah, had a mystery announcement scheduled for today, and now we know what it is: It's the next city to get Google Fiber. The news, posted on the official site of Provo, has been confirmed by Google, which has listed Provo as one of

Less than two weeks after Google Google announced it was expanding its super-fast broadband network to Austin, Texas, the company says it is also bringing Google Fiber it to Provo, Utah. This will make Provo the third big city to host a Google Fiber

We know that your time is valuable and so we've always focused on speed — from search to Gmail, Chrome to Android. Two years ago, we announced that we'd be bringing Google Fiber to Kansas City to show what's

And buys out a city-owned fiber network in the process.

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Google Fiber to launch in Provo, Utah

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