Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Java still vulnerable despite recent patches

Last Thursday, Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java platform group, said in a blog post that Java vulnerabilities have received a great deal of public attention recently, and that maintaining Java security “takes priority over developing new

Researchers who successfully exploited Chrome and Java vulnerabilities at the Pwn2Own contest released details on the zero-day exploits.

In this post I present several examples of the new Optional objects in Java 8 and I make comparisons with similar approaches in other programming

Network World – If you've ever thought that Java-related open-source middleware just wasn't exciting enough for you, good news — Red Hat announced today that it would be jazzing up its JBoss application server software, rebranding the project as

Apple today released a series of updates for both Safari and Java, addressing continued issues with Java security. The Safari updates arrive as

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Java still vulnerable despite recent patches

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