Monday, April 22, 2013

Looks Like Glenn Beck Has At Least Four Listeners In The House Who Want To ...

Beck gives the government until tomorrow to come clean, or supposedly he will.

Glenn Beck's big story tomorrow will likely revolve around the Saudi person of interest, 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi's family ties to Islamic terrorism, as the wheels come off the official narrative concocted around the

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck told his audience with certainty on Monday that the Saudi national who was detained and deported in the immediate wake of the Boston bombings last week, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi,

Glenn Beck is still convinced — as of this morning — that the SAUDI NATIONAL (who's already been cleared) he fingered earlier this week is up to his Saudi ears in the Boston bombings, along with those nice Chechen boys. And that everybody will be fired.

Beck gives the government until tomorrow to come clean, or supposedly he will.

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Looks Like Glenn Beck Has At Least Four Listeners In The House Who Want To ...

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