Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Recently patched Java flaw already targeted in mass attacks, researchers say

Network World – If you've ever thought that Java-related open-source middleware just wasn't exciting enough for you, good news — Red Hat announced today that it would be jazzing up its JBoss application server software, rebranding the project as

According to Oracle's advisory at the time, the vulnerability only affects client, not server, deployments of Java. The company gave the flaw's impact a 4.3 out of 10 rating using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and added that “this

Atlassian has released a Java implementation of git flow called JGitFlow. This enables the integration of git flow into a maven plugin and other projects.

Two new sandbox bypass vulnerabilities have been discovered in Java 7u11. Adam Gowdiak of Security Explorations reported the bugs and a working exploit to Oracle. Gowdiak said these bugs are unrelated to the

The Java version of the browser (version 9.0) now sports an improved user interface that is optimised for touch screen devices and also offers a night mode (white text on black). The browser also supports UDisk, UCWeb's free online storage service for

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Recently patched Java flaw already targeted in mass attacks, researchers say

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