Thursday, April 18, 2013

'Silicon Slopes': Google Fiber Planned For Provo, Utah

Interesting turn of events in the last few weeks. After making a case that Google was making a big mistake in trying to go after same-day shipping and that it should focus on areas where it would have an edge (retail stores and Google Fiber), Google

Although Provo is already wired for fiber, Google Fiber general manager Kevin Lo said at the press conference revealing the partnership that the company will need to upgrade the current fiber network, which has seen several owners since it was built in

Google said Wednesday that it plans to make Provo, Utah its third Google Fiber City. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company announced that it will take its high-speed gigabit Internet service to Provo by taking over an existing fiber-optic network there.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Google will take over a troubled municipal fiber-optic system and make Provo, Utah, the third city to get its high-speed Internet service via fiber-optic cables, the company announced Wednesday. Google Fiber was rolled out in

Google Fiber first rolled out as a test program in Kansas City, Mo., roughly two years ago. Just last week, Austin, Texas, was announced as the second city. For the third city to already be announced could suggest that we'll soon start seeing more

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'Silicon Slopes': Google Fiber Planned For Provo, Utah

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