Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Westboro Baptist Church to picket funeral of woman killed in Boston bombings

Within hours of the Boston Marathon bombings, the controversial WestboroBaptist Church took to Twitter to celebrate the carnage. Now, they're planning to protest the funerals of those killed. “WestboroBaptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by

The anti-gay group says it will protest outside the movie critic's memorial service Monday in Chicago.

The Internet was positively giddy with schadenfreude Wednesday as rumor spread that Anonymous, that loosely connected cabal of cyber-vigilan

the Westboro Baptist Church tweeted to the Boston Globe, the Boston police and Teamsters. "look around u." Teamsters Local 25 replied on Twitter: "Show your face. We're here in the open." There were never going to be

Within hours of the Boston Marathon bombings, the controversial WestboroBaptist Church took to Twitter to celebrate the carnage. Now, they're planning to protest the funerals of those killed. “WestboroBaptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by

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Westboro Baptist Church to picket funeral of woman killed in Boston bombings

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