Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Google Doodles Saul Bass

Graphic design legend Saul Bass celebrated with Google Doodle honoring iconic title sequences. By Dante D'Orazio on May 8, 2013 10:16 am @dantedorazio 20Comments. Don't miss any stories Follow The Verge. Follow. Google Doodle Saul Bass

If you don't recognize the name Saul Bass, you will certainly know of his work. Bass was one of the most celebrated and in-demand graphic designers and filmmakers of his time, and Google has seen fit to mark what would

Today is Saul Bass's 93rd birthday. You may not know who Saul Bass is, but you've probably seen his work at some point—he designed the opening title sequences and posters for films—like Alfred Hitchcock's North By Northwest, Psycho and Vertigo—as

The short video imagines the Google logo through the eyes of Bass, and it's a treat to watch. As noted by YouTube commenter Gloria Pineda, the following film title sequences are referenced: Psycho, The Man with the Golden Arm, Spartacus, West Side

1) Award-winning film title creator Saul Bass, known best for his collaborations with noted directors Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorcese and Stanley Kubrick, received the Google Doodle treatment today. Bass died in 1996. The Doodle marks Bass's birthday.

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Google Doodles Saul Bass

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