Friday, June 7, 2013

Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator Update

Blackbaud news blog featuring nonprofit technology, press releases, software updates, & technology news.

A new, interactive spreadsheet will allow farmers to calculate the benefits of using sexed semen. The tool, which is available through Cogent Breeding and has been developed in line with Kite Consulting, uses key parameters such as the number of

Is it better to pay closing costs upfront or build them into the cost of the loan and pay them over time?

From the blog Daily Ticker: A growing number of states are increasing funding for state colleges and universities after years of budget cuts. Last year 32 states increased funding for higher education institutions––-almost twice

We created a health care calculator to help you find out if you're eligible for health insurance through a state or federal Marketplace, Medicaid, or.

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Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator Update

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