Thursday, June 27, 2013

'I cried, I cried': DOMA widow says on hearing of Supreme Court win

The top court Wednesday overturned in a 5-4 decision the third section of the 1996 law — known by the acronym DOMA — that strictly defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman and blocked same-sex couples from access to an estimated 

Those hesitations may seem surprising in the wake of the high court's ruling on DOMA, giving same-sex military couples access to more than 1,000 federal benefits once granted only to heterosexual families in the service. And such fears also run counter

Celebrities Who Support The Abolishment Of Prop 8 And DOMA!

We applaud the hard work of the advocates who have fought so relentlessly for this day, and congratulate Edie Windsor on her historic victory," — former president Bill Clinton, who signed DOMA, insisted it was constitutional at the time, double

Conservatives might try to add a federal marriage amendment in response to DOMA being overturned.

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'I cried, I cried': DOMA widow says on hearing of Supreme Court win

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