Friday, June 7, 2013

Dissecting Tech's PRISM Spying Denials

After the flurry of reports about the NSA's alleged PRISM surveillance program earlier today, the U.S.'s Director of National Intelligence James R

“They” are the National Security Agency, and the Post report reveals that an N.S.A. program called Prism has, for the past six years, been “tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies,

Here's one of the things I want to know about the government's electronic-spying programs, which evidently give it the power to find out intimate details about virtually anybody. Who designed the spooky red-and-black logo for the National Security

WASHINGTON — A massive email surveillance program run by the National Security Agency is not directed at Americans and is legally permissible and highly useful for anti-terror operation, a senior administration official said

On Sept. 11, 2007, the National Security Agency signed up Microsoft as its first partner for PRISM, a massive domestic surveillance program whose existence was reported by the Washington Post today. That's barely a month after Congress passed, and

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Dissecting Tech's PRISM Spying Denials

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