Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ouya sells out at Amazon

GameStop pre-order customers will be updated to the retailer's exclusive "15th Anniversary" edition of Gran Turismo 6 at no additional cost, featuring a total of 20 new rides (including those mentioned above), PlayStation Blog 

OUYA consoles have sold out at Amazon and GameStop, just a day after the Android-powered console launched across the UK and North America. MCV reports that the console is not available at either retailer, and there is 

The full interview, which touches on GameStop's thoughts concerning E3, the health of the Wii U, the importance of the secondhand market, and Ouya, among other topics, is below. What products, games, or services were you most excited about from E3 last 

GameStop pre-order customers will be updated to the retailer's exclusive "15th Anniversary" edition of Gran Turismo 6 at no additional cost, featuring a total of 20 new rides (including those mentioned above), PlayStation Blog 

Sony is said to be so confident it can supply retail with PlayStation 4 consoles at launch that it advised GameStop to pre-sell as many as it likes. Retailers are generally awarded an allocation of stock, spread across its outlets, 

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Ouya sells out at Amazon

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