Monday, June 10, 2013

Sagrada Familia: The construction zone tour

Sagrada Familia in flames in latest Brad Pitt film. By: thinkSPAIN , Saturday, June 1, 2013. A FILM starring Brad Pitt features Barcelona's Sagrada Familia Cathedral in flames and surrounded by zombies. One of its towers is seen falling down

A la Sagrada Família, avui, a les 2 del migdia, hi haurà paella popular al carrer del Penedès; a les 5, actuació de Narinant; i a les 9 del vespre, sardinada i havaneres amb Cor de Catalunya. Al Barri Antic el programa festiu va arrencar ahir amb jocs, el pregó,

A couple of weeks ago, we shared some great wide-angle captures by photographer Clement Celma of architect Antoni Gaudi's famous La Sagrada Família. An architectural marvel, the photos showed how the basilica is as stunning inside as it is outside.

A couple of weeks ago, we shared some great wide-angle captures by photographer Clement Celma of architect Antoni Gaudi's famous La Sagrada Família. An architectural marvel, the photos showed how the basilica is as stunning inside as it is outside.

How time flies! At that time, I had not traveled extensively in Europe, and my first look at Gaudi's famous unfinished cathedral, La Sagrada Familia, was breathtaking. Since that first trip to Barcelona, I've been back many times,

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Sagrada Familia: The construction zone tour

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