Friday, June 7, 2013

Samantha Power facing early resistance in bid for UN post

President Obama has named a former journalist and activist to represent him at the United Nations. If confirmed, Samantha Power will replace Ambassador Susan Rice, who is returning to the White House to become national security adviser. Power's

Samantha Power — an unrelenting human rights advocate who isn't afraid to speak her mind, sometimes to a fault —was nominated for the position Wednesday afternoon by President Obama. If approved by the Senate, Power would replace Susan Rice, who

On Wednesday, President Obama named Susan Rice to be his next National Security Adviser and nominated Samantha Power to be America's ambassador to the UN.

And you gotta remember that everything you know about Susan Rice and Benghazi, over half the country doesn't know. The low-information voters still don't know about that, and they don't care, and the name Samantha Power isn't gonna mean beans to 'em.

The NGO community was left wondering which Samantha Power was getting to speak inside the Oval Office. Prior to entering government, Power was a loud supporter of the international concept “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)”, a U.N. supported term that

Samantha Power facing early resistance in bid for UN post

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