Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zillow: Home values to increase 4.1% by May 2014

Spencer Rascoff and team Zillow ringing the opening bell on Nasdaq in July 2011. I was a bit perplexed three months ago when the Nasdaq OMX Group annou.

National home values continued to increase in May, up 0.5% from April, to a Zillow Home Value Index of $159,000. Year-over-year, home values rose 5.4%, marking the second-highest annual rate of national appreciation registered in the past 12 months.

Zillow Inc. introduced the only real estate platform, Agentfolio Chicago.

Home prices in the Portland area continue to rise in May, the real estate website Zillow reported. The median metro home price was $243,200, the company said, up 0.6 percent from a month earlier and 12 percent from a year earlier. Nationally, home

The platform is the result of Zillow's October 2012 buyout of collaborative shopping company Buyfolio, which is now called Agentfolio. Zillow says Agentfolio is the only platform for real estate that provides collaborative search options for multiple

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Zillow: Home values to increase 4.1% by May 2014

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