Friday, July 5, 2013

Art supply store mistakenly harassed by hundreds after cops shoot dog dead

Graphic and disturbing footage of police shooting a dog has been making it's way virally around the internet. The dog's owner — Leon Rosby of Hawthorne, California — took the video as he approached the Hawthorne SWAT team. The team were involved in 

When is a dog a real threat that requires shooting four times until it's twitching and dying on the ground, and when is it just a dog doing relatively unthreatening dog things? In the heat of the moment, it's probably difficult for a police officer to

If police in Hawthorne, California ever ask you to turn down the music in your car, please, by all means, comply. Otherwise they may shoot your dog.

A video that would break any dog owners heart was put online Sunday of a police officer from the Hawthorne Police Department shooting a mans dog. A barricade was put up on 137th and Jefferson and a man walking his 

In April 2012, an Austin police officer shot and killed Cisco, a Blue Heeler, after the dog ran toward the officer. The case received international publicity and Chief Art Acevedo apologized to Cisco's owner. After this case, Austin officers received

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Art supply store mistakenly harassed by hundreds after cops shoot dog dead

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