Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Did the Founders Call it “Fourth of July” or “Independence Day?”

July 4th celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. has fun facts, fireworks laws, and safety tips for a great 4th of July.

Barbecues and fireworks symbolic of America's fight for freedom are a tradition of Independence Day celebrations in the United States. But this year, immigration activists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of America, are marking July 4 by

Millions of Americans were traveling today, meeting up with family and friends to celebrate liberty and freedom as symbolized by our Independence Day. But before they could celebrate our liberty and freedomthey first had to 

The results are now in. On the eve of July 4, secular Egyptian protesters have achieved something like their own Declaration of Independence against the threat of Islamist takeover. With a desperate Morsi rocked by protests even larger than those that

That should come as some relief to the millions of Americans expected to crisscross the country in commemoration of Independence Day. Whether the savings last depends on the future of unrest in the Middle East and the intensity of hurricane season.

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Did the Founders Call it “Fourth of July” or “Independence Day?”

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