Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fact - checking claims about the Declaration of Independence

After Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, the Committee of Five was also responsible with overseeing its reproduction for proclamation to those living in the 13 colonies. The reproduction was done at the shop 

Weiner did not have a specific plan to achieve his aims, conceding that for his “declaration of independence” to happen Albany legislators themselves would have to vote to surrender their power and give it to the city. But he said that was not

For Independence Day, we've rounded up our fact-checks of claims about the Declaration of Independence. In the words of our founders: let facts be submitted to a candid world. Thomas Jefferson called regulations an 'endemic weakness'?: Florida Gov.

The "Voice of the Padres" Jerry Coleman did a reading of the Declaration of Independence to celebrate our nation's 237th birthday. The recording will be available at

Declaring wars that are unwinnable—from the war on drugs, to the war on terrorism, to wars on impoverished countries—has become an addiction for our country. We must declare our own independence from violence and war as a matter of principle, in

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Fact - checking claims about the Declaration of Independence

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