Thursday, July 4, 2013

Forget fireworks: July 4 is for freebies

While there will be plenty of fireworks later today, it's nice to know that our very own solar system will be joining in the fun, too—with comet ISON hurting toward the sun at a staggering 48000 mph.

While there will be plenty of fireworks later today, it's nice to know that our very own solar system will be joining in the fun, too—with comet ISON hurting toward the sun at a staggering 48000 mph.

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In the latest flare-up, France's top security official on Thursday publicly dressed down the U.S. at the American ambassador's July 4 garden party. Interior Minister Manuel Valls, who was a guest of honor at the event hosted by Ambassador Charles

Police in Maine say a crash between a tractor and a fire truck during Bangor's Fourth of July parade has left one person dead. Sgt. Paul Edwards tells WABI-TV ( that the tractor was hit from behind by an old fire truck Thursday

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Forget fireworks: July 4 is for freebies

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