The parents of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin say they want to see.
On Thursday the judge ruled the jury in the George Zimmerman trial may consider the lesser charge of manslaughter in lieu of second-degree murder, to which Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty. NBC's Ron Mott reports.
Reaction to the George Zimmerman trial verdict. From church pews to the broadcast airwaves, to tweets and hastily organized protests, Americans have reacted strongly to the news that George Zimmerman has been acquitted of all charges in the killing of
The Zimmerman trial verdict sparked widespread protests across the country, including a peaceful demonstration in Los Angeles that spiraled out of control on Monday, with participants vandalizing cars and attacking bystanders. PHOTOS: FAMOUS WALKS
ORLANDO — Attorney General Eric Holder said that 'Stand Your Ground' self-defense laws that have been adopted in 30 states should be reconsidered and that those who invoke the laws should first have to try to retreat from a dangerous situation.
Related External Links
George Zimmerman trial: Holder questions 'Stand Your Ground' laws
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