Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kobe Bryant Unfollows Dwight Howard After Center Signs With Rockets

He posted this picture with the caption “#vamos #juntos #lakercorazon #vino." The Spanish words translate to "we go, together, Laker heart, wine.” Kobe_original. Photo courtesy of Kobe Bryant's Instagram account. In addition to serving as a goodbye to

Unlike the Los Angeles Lakers' front-office, which went out of its way to beg Dwight Howard to return, Kobe Bryant took a typically hard-line approach with the free agent superstar center. Bryant reportedly told Howard that he 

Bryant challenged Dwight Howard during the Lakers' presentation to the sought-after free agent Tuesday, according to Yahoo! Sports. "You need to learn how it's done first, and I can teach you here," Kobe reportedly said during the nearly two-hour meeting.

Not too long ago, Kobe Bryant was making some noise about the impending conclusion of his career, implying to CBS Sports that the expiration of his current contract after the 2014 season would likely give way to his 

Not too long ago, Kobe Bryant was making some noise about the impending conclusion of his career, implying to CBS Sports that the expiration of his current contract after the 2014 season would likely give way to his 

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Kobe Bryant Unfollows Dwight Howard After Center Signs With Rockets

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