Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tagged halibut keep on coming in jackpot derby

Tagged. Please, dog owners, help me out here. It's lovely that you have a dog. Yes, i bottle raise kittens and don't want a dog because i'm too lazy to commit to walking one every day and spending all the time it really takes to 

The NCHC announced Monday that longtime Miami administrator Josh Fenton has been named conference commissioner and will begin his appointment on July 15. Fenton replaces Jim Scherr, who resigned as commissioner in May to accept the position of 

Georgia kicker tagged for BUI. Written by Allen Kenney on Wednesday, 03 July 2013 02:48 . Marshall Morgan. Add kicker to Mark Richt's list of summer headaches. (Photo courtesy: USA Today Sports). DUIs and DWIs are commonplace in the parlance of 

Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 7.35.47 AM.png. If you are near a VF Outlet this week look for black dot tagged items. They are 90% off this week. I'm sure it's out of season stuff, but it could be a good deal to snag something for the 

A 2,000-pound (907 kilogram) great white shark nicknamed "Lydia" is doing deep dives after being hauled aboard a research vessel and tagged by scientists hoping to learn more about the behavior of these massive toothy 

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Tagged halibut keep on coming in jackpot derby

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