Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Today's Google Doodle: A Tribute to Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

“One morning, upon awakening from agitated dreams, Gregor Samsa found himself in his bed, transformed into a monstrous vermin.” And thus begins Franz Kafka's novella “The Metamorphosis,” which takes readers through Mr. Samsa's surreal 

The Google Doodle for July 3 honors the birth of esteemed author Franz Kafka.

One morning, when Internet users awoke from troubled dreams, they found that the Google logo's "O"s had transformed into a monstrous vermin. The reason: Today is Franz Kafka's 130th birthday — or at least, it would have 

The Google Doodle for July 3 honors the birth of esteemed author Franz Kafka.

Franz Kafka was born in Prague 130 years ago on this day. And even though it took decades after his death in 1924 at the age of 40 for “Kafkaesque” to become a word we overused to describe concepts and situations 

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Today's Google Doodle: A Tribute to Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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