Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Clint Eastwood: 'Hot-Doggin' It' at the RNC

Even after Clint Eastwood pretended to have a conversation with him via an empty chair at last week's Republican National Convention, President Barack Obama still says he's a "huge" fan of the actor and director's work.Mitt Romney probably hoped that surprise guest Clint Eastwood would make his day at the convention. Instead, the 82-year-old actor gave a rambling speech that was as disastrous as the botched bank robbery that heCLINT EASTWOOD is all-but a literal god in Hollywood. He is worshipped and can do no wrong; an elder statesman of the show biz community. But I thought his distracted, hesitant and unscripted appearance at Mitt Romney's nominating night might haveRonn Mott Special to the Tribune-Star The Tribune Star Tue Sep 04, 2012, 11:00 AM EDT. Like many of you, I have always been a Clint Eastwood fan … from his days as “Rowdy Yates,” “Dirty Harry” and many other characters he has portrayed on the screen.The comedian said pundits panning the actor's remarks "sound like idiots to me."
Related External LinksAlthouse: Rasmussen polled of public opinion about Clint Eastwood.Clint Eastwood Makes the RNC's Day – Which Movie Character ...Move Over, Clint Eastwood: Nicki Minaj Votin' for Mitt Romney (and

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