Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Khan Academy to Launch Computer Science Curriculum

Of course, the real winners of the competition are everyone who looked critically at Khan Academy (and looked critically at its critics) and developed a more nuanced view. If after reading some of the conversation generatedI saw an interesting segment on 60 Minutes discussing Khan Academy. In general Khan Academy is a non-profit, online learning tool covering a variety of subjects so almost anything can be learned.http://khanacademy.org is a totally free web site with thousands of short videos on a variety of subjects though the vast majority are math. They have the different topics organized into something called a Knowledge Tree — basically a map that guidesOf course, the real winners of the competition are everyone who looked critically at Khan Academy (and looked critically at its critics) and developed a more nuanced view. If after reading some of the conversation generatedCHENNAI: Amara, a crowd source subtitling platform that engages volunteers from around the world to translate online videos, announced on Tuesday that it's being adopted by Coursera and Khan Academy, to make academic video content globally
Related External LinksIsraelite PRIDE: Khan Academy - The Future of Education?mikewhitney: Khan AcademyThe Khan

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