Saturday, September 15, 2012

Do you know your favorite Gen X icon's 'Bacon number'?

We know which comic book movies made the most money in 2012. And we could argue endlessly about which movie was the best of the year in terms of quality. But how do these films' heroes and villains rank when judging them by their Bacon Numbers?The popular theory of the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" says that no actor or actress worth his or her salt in Hollywood is separated from Bacon by more than six degrees. It's similar to an older idea proposed by academics -- the six degrees ofGoogle wants to make playing "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" easier. The search engine has launched a new tool known as the Bacon number. By typing in any actor's name followed by the words "Bacon number," Google willHere's how it works: Go to the Google home page ( and in the search field, type in the name of a celebrity followed by “bacon number.” Instead of going 'round and 'round with friends about who was in what movie with whom, GoogleGoogle has a new way to search for how many people stand between a famous person and Kevin Bacon. But it's more than a game. Google says it demonstrates the potential of its Knowledge Graph, which it says is the next
Related External LinksGoogle Launches New Tool to Play Six Degrees of Kevin BaconGoogle Now Knows Your Favorite Actor's Bacon NumberBacon Number Google Feature Gets Response From Kevin Bacon

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