Saturday, September 15, 2012

Do you know your favorite Gen X icon's 'Bacon number'?

To simplify, the Bacon number signifies the degree of separation of an individual from Kevin Bacon. If one has worked directly with Bacon, that individual's Bacon number will be 1. If another actor or individual has not worked with Bacon in a film, forWe've seen 'tilt' and 'do a barrel roll', but over the past day or so, the company has added another cool new search operator: Bacon number. No, it's not a label that meatpacking companies assign to their pork products.We've seen 'tilt' and 'do a barrel roll', but over the past day or so, the company has added another cool new search operator: Bacon number. No, it's not a label that meatpacking companies assign to their pork products.Here's how it works: Go to the Google home page ( and in the search field, type in the name of a celebrity followed by “bacon number.” Instead of going 'round and 'round with friends about who was in what movie with whom, GoogleForget using Google's more powerful search operators, the best ones are the most fun ones. We've seen "tilt" and "do a barrel roll," but over the past day or so, the company has added another cool new search operator: Bacon number. No, it's not a label
Related External LinksGoogle Launches New Tool to Play Six Degrees of Kevin BaconGoogle Now Knows Your Favorite Actor's Bacon NumberBacon Number Google Feature Gets Response From Kevin Bacon

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