Tuesday, January 22, 2013

'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

Pauline Friedman Phillips created the beloved character Abigail Van Buren, who offered readers straightforward advice for more than half a century in her "Dear Abby" column, encouraging high standards, morality and the importance of gender roles.

From the sage to the risqué, the late Pauline Phillips dished out a generation's worth of great one-liners.

In her 30-plus years as Dear Abby, Phillips answered inquiries from all types: teenage girls, teenage boys, young women, exasperated mothers-in-law, elderly widows and widowers. Though her replies often contained a trademark bite — and would not all

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Because of the Dear Abby letter, which was published in all the English-speaking countries of the world, they were contacted by people they hadn't seen since the 40s—people in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and England. 628×471 1 300×388 Dear Abby,

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'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

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