Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wall Street on sequestration: Meh

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Wall Street on sequestration: Meh

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan told CNBC on Thursday that he expects the across-the-board spending cuts known as the "sequester" to trigger after Friday's deadline. "[The House] passed a bill 300 days ago to deal with

The financial markets and some of the nation's biggest business groups have a collective response to the looming sequester: yawn. President Barack Obama is warning of economic catastrophe if deep and immediate spending cuts hit Friday. Yet some of the

“Absent a deal, sequester must begin by 11:59 pm tomorrow.” (Ezra Klein); “Lawmakers and aides say they do not expect Congress to turn off budget sequestration before April and that negotiations to freeze the automatic spending cuts could drag into May

1, politicians are jockeying to control the message about sequestration and what it will mean for their constituents. Meanwhile, the cuts may create economic choke points that could affect industries from agriculture to air travel. Share. Facebook

The blame game won't solve our problems, but demanding action will.

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