Thursday, March 21, 2013

Circle Of Accountability Widens In Steubenville Rape Case

In sentencing two high school football players to juvenile jail terms for raping a drunken girl, Judge Thomas Lipps issued a cautionary note

In an exclusive audio clip provided to CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, the mother of the 16-year-old Steubenville rape victim said she hoped the crime against her daughter would raise awareness about sexual assault.

The blogger who helped bring national attention to the Steubenville rape case speaks out.

On the day after two high school football players from Steubenville, Ohio, were found guilty of rape, Alexandria Goddard, a crime blogger whose early and dogged research helped bring national attention to the case, is still fending off criticism that

Topics: Steubenville rape case. For the last couple of hours, I have been thinking of the verdict that was reached in what is now known as the Steubenville rape case. Since all involved are minors, I won't use anyone's name.

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Circle Of Accountability Widens In Steubenville Rape Case

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