Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mood Darkens in Cyprus as Deadline Is Set for Bailout

WASHINGTON — Logically, what happens in Cyprus should stay in Cyprus. With a population of just over 1 million and an economy that's a mere 0.2 percent of the 17-nation eurozone, the country seems too small to matter on

COULD A full-blown European financial crisis begin in tiny Cyprus, with a population of just more than 1 million and a gross domestic product of only $23.6 billion? The idea is only slightly stranger than the notion that this Mediterranean offshore

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Scrambling to placate international lenders, Cyprus late Wednesday proposed to nationalize pension funds from state-run companies and conduct an emergency bond sale to help raise the €5.8 billion the indebted country needs to

LONDON (Reuters) – The euro zone's economic downturn has deepened this month – even before Cyprus's bailout debacle – creating another headache for policymakers battling to revive the bloc's fortunes, a business survey showed on Thursday.

LONDON (Reuters) – Signs the euro zone's economic downturn is deepening and worries over a possible financial meltdown in Cyprus sent world shares, oil and the single currency lower on Thursday. The falls would have been steeper but for earlier data

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Mood Darkens in Cyprus as Deadline Is Set for Bailout

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