Friday, March 22, 2013

This week in Amanda Bynes' tweets: Look out Drake

Amanda, please! She's gone undercover to throw people off her trail before (You all remember a little film called She's the Man, right?) so here's hoping something similar is going on now.

Amanda Bynes is no stranger to strange behavior but her latest escapade has just raised the standard – even for her. Bynes has told the world that she wants Drake to “murder my (lady parts).

If you've ever wondered what an Amanda Bynes mating call sounds like wonder no more — because she is begging Drake to slay her genitals to put it…

Earlier this month, Amanda Bynes proudly tweeted that she thinks rapper "Drake is a hot fellow." That's kind of sweet — even celebrities have celebrity crushes. But this evening, she told her 314,000 followers that "I want Drake to murder my vagina

Amanda Bynes went through a pretty rough stretch last year. Well, let's just be honest. She was kind of a hot mess. She got pulled over more than half a dozen times and rumors swirled about her mental competence. Over the last few months, however, she

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This week in Amanda Bynes' tweets: Look out Drake

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