Monday, April 22, 2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Widow Isn't Ready to Talk to the FBI Yet

Russell and Tsarnaev have a three year old daughter. The Daily Mail is reporting that a neighbor of the Russell family reported that Katherine and her young daughter had been living with her parents, Judith and Warren for

But very little has been written about another significant figure in this case: Katherine Russell, the 24-year-old widow of the elder Tsarnaev — and mother to his toddler daughter. What could she know — and is it fair to suspect

Russell and Tsarnaev have a three year old daughter. The Daily Mail is reporting that a neighbor of the Russell family reported that Katherine and her young daughter had been living with her parents, Judith and Warren for

Katherine Russell is believed to have married and had a daughter with Tamerlan Tsarnaev three years ago, having become a Muslim following her freshman year at Suffolk University in Boston. Ms Russell, 24, was escorted by investigators to her parents'

Katherine Russell, 24, who converted to Islam for jihadist hubby Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, covered her head with a leopard-print hijab and nervously shouted for the landlord when she couldn't get in the door. “Joanna,” she screamed. The woman frantically

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Widow Isn't Ready to Talk to the FBI Yet

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