Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The paleo diet isn't necessarily ideal, an evolutionary biologist says

I follow a paleo diet generally, don't really see any difference in terms of the way i feel, sleep, perform etc but just find it easier to control calories when I'm not eating 3 whole loaves of bread etc a day. So in this regard I don't

The Paleo Diet Recipe Contest. Do you love to cook Paleo for your friends and family? Would you like to share your creations with the rest of the Paleo world? Then our recipe contest is for you! One monthly winner will receive

Living like cave men, or at least eating like them, is being hailed by some as an ideal lifestyle. The paleo diet, based on the idea that our bodies have not adapted sufficiently to eat foods that weren't available 10,000 years ago, focuses on eating

Today on The Dr. Oz Show, it's all about weight loss. There seems to be another diet craze hitting the streets and this one stars the Paleo Diet. Dr. Oz tackles this one head on to talk about the Paleo Diet. Does it really work? Is it even right for

According to this diet of yours, we Paleos ate lots of meat, veggies, seafood, nuts and seeds but we avoided grains, sugars, dairy, starches, glutens and legumes. Supposedly that's how we stayed healthy and lost weight. May I laugh now? First of all, I

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The paleo diet isn't necessarily ideal, an evolutionary biologist says

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