Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Climate Envoys Urged to Draft Plan B on Failure of Global Target

“Since a target that is obviously unattainable cannot fulfill either a positive symbolic function or a productive governance function, the primary target of international climate policy will have to be modified,” said Oliver Geden, author of the report

Police arrested a sales associate at Target who allegedly stole $3,700 worth of iPads in April to pay off a debt. Nelson Diaz, 25, allegedly stole several iPads on April 6. Store officials noticed the missing inventory and looked through surveillance

BRENDAN RODGERS is ready to push the boat out to sign crack Armenian Henrikh Mkhitaryan this summer.

Hispanics are the largest and fastest growing minority group in the U.S. Large retailers like Target are working hard to win the loyalty and purchasing power of those more than 50 million consumers.

President Barak Obama has announced new economic sanctions against Iran, targeting the country's currency and its automobile industry in a bid to force Iran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The new economic sanctions were announced Monday,

Climate Envoys Urged to Draft Plan B on Failure of Global Target

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