Monday, June 10, 2013

E3 2013: Microsoft and Sony gear up for the new generation

With devices like Ouya drumming up interest in open-source gaming platforms, Mad Catz is jumping into the fray with a system of its own — Project M.O.J.O. Like its Kickstarter-backed peers, Project M.O.J.O. is based on Android, but instead of

E3 2013 is nearly upon us, and this year's press briefing lineup is an eensy bit different from past years — most notably, there are four stage.

Picture for a second being locked in a teenage boy's bedroom for three days – except this bedroom is occupied by 30,000 teenage boys and they're listening to loud and terrible rock music. You are imagining E3, the world's largest video game exhibition.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) officially kicks off on Tuesday morning, but press attendees have packed schedules starting bright and early.

Bingo cards, predictions and generally just wishing really hard for things is how we typically guess what we'll see during the industry's biggest show in North America. With E3 2013 set to kick off with media briefings from some

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E3 2013: Microsoft and Sony gear up for the new generation

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