Sunday, June 9, 2013

Parts of NSA's PRISM program declassified

The top-secret NSA briefing presentation set out details of the PRISM program, which it said granted access to records such as emails, chat conversations, voice calls, documents and more. The presentation the listed dates when document collection began

He's not only claiming that PRISM is authorized by all 3 branches of government and doesn't do anything close to what the Guardian and Post have reported, he's also saying that they will declassify the program to prove it! We'll see I suppose, though

Last night, the Washington Post and Guardian dropped concurrent bombshell reports. Their subject was PRISM, a covert collaboration between the NSA, FBI, and nearly every tech company you rely on daily. PRISM has

It's had to have been an interesting week for the people at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). The non-profit has been beating the drum about the importance of digital rights, privacy, and metadata for decades now. And in recent years, one of

He's not only claiming that PRISM is authorized by all 3 branches of government and doesn't do anything close to what the Guardian and Post have reported, he's also saying that they will declassify the program to prove it! We'll see I suppose, though

Related External Links

Parts of NSA's PRISM program declassified

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