Saturday, June 8, 2013

This Is What Section 215 of the Patriot Act Does

President Barack Obama delivers a statement on the Affordable Care Act, at the Fairmont San Jose in San Jose, Calif., June 7, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza). Today President Obama was in California to talk about how the Affordable

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) introduced the Patriot Act in October of 2001. Today, he sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder saying that initial.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) blamed the members of Congress who continue to support the Patriot Act for the news that the NSA has been collecting millions of telephone records from Verizon.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) introduced the Patriot Act in October of 2001. Today, he sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder saying that initial.

According to a new report, Americans buying individual market health insurance saved $1.2 billion in 2011 and $2.1 billion in 2012 because law has begun to hold insurance companies accountable.

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This Is What Section 215 of the Patriot Act Does

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