Saturday, June 8, 2013

United States Of Outrage: NSA, IRS Overreaches Spark Bipartisan Ire

For years, four former National Security Agency analysts warned that the government was conducting widespread surveillance on domestic communications. Their warnings were largely ignored.

Under watch from the National Security Agency and the FBI, Internet traffic of people outside the USA is being closely monitored by Silicon Valley Internet giants in a massive data-snooping agreement. The National Security Agency and the FBI are

Bonus +10 for the unexpected Barney – that cracked me up. I drew a complete blank trying to think of any relevant purple internet logo. Searching Google image brings up the remarkably forgettable purple Yahoo! 'Y!'

With the revelations this week that the National Security Agency is gathering troves of data on Americans' telephone use, civil liberties advocates and privacy watchdogs are again on the warpath, accusing the administration of unconstitutionally

Even in an era of stark political polarization, there are still some issues that can draw Americans together and scramble the normal ideological fault lines. Recent revelations about the Internal Revenue Service and the National Security Agency are

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United States Of Outrage: NSA, IRS Overreaches Spark Bipartisan Ire

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