Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Glenn Beck: Was Saudi National Deported By Obama Admin Involved In Boston ...

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck told his audience with certainty on Monday that the Saudi national who was detained in the immediate wake of the Boston bombings last week, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was involved in the attack on the Boston Marathon.

My New Friend Likes Glenn Beck. Posted: 04/22/2013 1:57 pm. Follow. Glenn Beck , Accidental Racist , Millennial Impact , Political Discourse , Unity , Impact News. share this story. Submit this story. digg reddit stumble. Whatever your personal

For days, Glenn Beck's been promising he had a major Boston bombing exposé in progress, and now he's finally spilled the beans, sending officials at the White House, Homeland Security and the FBI scrambling to explain themselves. On his radio show

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck told his audience with certainty on Monday that the Saudi national who was detained in the immediate wake of the Boston bombings last week, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was involved in the attack on the Boston Marathon.

My New Friend Likes Glenn Beck. Posted: 04/22/2013 1:57 pm. Follow. Glenn Beck , Accidental Racist , Millennial Impact , Political Discourse , Unity , Impact News. share this story. Submit this story. digg reddit stumble. Whatever your personal

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Glenn Beck: Was Saudi National Deported By Obama Admin Involved In Boston ...

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